Focus of drill:
Concentrating on opponent’s moves. Being able to anticipate when he is going to make a run. Chasing the runner in the same direction trying to beat him to the marker.
Create a square of about three square meters with four color markers (blue). On both sides place same color markers (yellow) at four meters distance from blue. Again different color markers (red) at four meters from them.
Soccer drill information:
Two players stand opposite each other and pass the ball with the right foot. When one of the two decides to pass with his left foot, he has to choose to run to either the left or the right yellow marker. His opponent needs to react quickly and run on his line to his yellow marker and try to be faster. The play is continued non-stop by the next players waiting in line, so they need to be paying attention to what is happening.
Another option is that the coach chooses either the yellow or red team’s player by shouting. Then that player chooses when to pass with the left foot and has to run to the furthest marker (red). If the opponent is not able to beat him to the red marker, he can shout “man on” upon reaching the yellow marker in order to change direction. Now both must turn and sprint to the opposite yellow marker.
This drill trains the players to be on their toes and improve their reaction speed.
Soccer Drill Advise:
- It can happen that the players keep postponing passing with their left foot, in that case give a limit of five or six passes, when the limit is reached it automatically means they have to run.
- Do this speed-drill with at least 10 and a maximum of 14 players. They need enough time for recovery after an intense run, but shouldn’t cool off too much.
- Coach continuously encourages the runners to give 100% until reaching the marker. Players might be put on the wrong foot which would make it impossible to catch up with the runner; however, they should give 100% in their run to the marker.
- Do this drill for about 15 to 20 minutes. (Depending on age)
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